Mai 36 Galerie

Mai 36 Galerie focuses on trading and presenting international contemporary art (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video, film and installation). Our exhibition program is directed at the works of artists preoccupied with the fundamental questions of art, beginning with significant statements of art after 1945, their roots going back to the sixties and seventies (especially Pop-Art, Minimal-Art and Conceptual-Art). We are mainly interested in artists engaged in unearthing art-immanent themes such as the perception of art, art as a form of communication, art as a system, as well as art questioning the importance and function of art in our society: the outlooks of individual artists stimulating and encouraging reflections on the experiences and perceptions of our age. We are intent on working in close collaboration with the artists and presenting their works continuously in individual exhibitions, publications and at the international art fairs of Basel, Madrid, London, New York and Miami Beach. We hold about six exhibitions a year, presenting both national and international artists and hope to surprise the cultural scene of Zurich with a number of interesting projects. Mai 36 Galerie sees itself as an address for both known and unknown artists and wants to encourage the exchange of individual exhibitions between an autonomous group of international galleries.
Mar - Ven: 11 - 18:30 h
Sam: 11 - 16 h
Fondation: 1987
Mai 36 Galerie
Rämistrasse 37
8001 Zürich
Ackermann Franz
Anüll Ian
Baldessari John
Balkenhol Stephan
Benedict Matthew
Brauntuch Troy
Cabrita Reis Pedro
Caramelle Ernst
Castellano Jacobo
Cordero Raúl
Dedobbeleer Koenraad
Drescher Jürgen
Ethridge Roe
Fries Pia
Garciandía Flavio
General Idea
Ghirri Luigi
Hanzlova Jitka
Lindow Christian
Mapplethorpe Estate of Robert
McBride Rita
Mullican Matt
Müller Harald F.
Pernice Manfred
Plessen Magnus
Pérez Pollo Michel
Rubsamen Glen
Ruff Thomas
Rütimann Christoph
Schnider Albrecht
Thek Estate of Paul
Thiel Stefan
Weiner Lawrence
Zang Kunkun
Zaugg Rémy
Zinn Matthias
van Golden Daan